Community Graveyard Project at St. Assams Church, Raheny - Day 1

Dublin City Council’s North Central Area Office are currently working collaboratively with a group of enthusiastic stakeholders in Raheny (including All Saints Church, Raheny Heritage Society, Raheny Business Association & Raheny Tidy Village Group) with the aim of conserving & enhancing St. Assam’s Church & Graveyard in Raheny Village.

Here at Ardscoil La Salle, community is of great importance to us. As a result, we have had the pleasure of teaming up with groups of students from local schools in our area, including Manor House Girls School, St. Pauls Boys School and Mount Temple Comprehensive. Our own 2nd Year students were excited to take part in such a historically rich project!

Day 1 of the project was both informative and engaging! Talks were led throughout the morning on the topic of surveying St. Assams Church and the surrounding graveyard, using top of the range surveying equipment and drones. In collaboration with John Tierney, an archaeologist from Eachtra Archaeological Projects, our students studied the old gravestones, undertaking the archeologists recording process in small teams.

The day was a great success- Roll on Day 2!


Community Graveyard Project at St. Assams Church, Raheny - Day 2


Darkness into Light 2022