Principal’s Address
Welcome to Ardscoil La Salle. We are a co-ed school serving the communities of Raheny, Donaghmede, Kilbarrack and Edenmore since 1968. We became co-ed in1978. We are now also serving our newer suburbs of Belmayne and Clongriffin. We were founded by the De La Salle Brothers and are now part of Le Chéile Schools Trust. Ardscoil La Salle is committed to developing the full potential of each student, within a welcoming Christian atmosphere, which is supportive of self-esteem and promotes freedom, coupled with a sense of responsibility. We have a diverse school community and are welcoming of those of all faiths and none.
The four core values at the heart of a Lasallian education are
• Care and respect for one another
• Concern for the needs of all
• Building relationships in our community
• Quality education for all students
The general objectives of all Le Chéile schools include:-
Welcome recognises the unique dignity and worth of each person.
Wisdom is the pursuit of a greater understanding and appreciation of the world.
Witness comes from the expression of Gospel values, in everyday life, and recognises that every person is made in the image and likeness of God.
Our school motto is “Ad Summum Semper” meaning Always Aim Highest. We strive to nurture each and every student to reach their full potential in a supportive yet challenging environment. I invite you to explore our website and social media on instagram @ardscoillasalle, as well as Facebook and X where you will see the wide variety of activities and extra-curricular programmes we provide. We have dedicated dynamic teaching staff who are committed to developing all students and building student leadership.
Michelle Benson